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Kleidoscope Yoga Events

Events are listed in order of the most recent date first.

Pure Relaxation

These are special small “batch” Hot Stone Restorative Classes
Open to only five students at a time!

Even in the spring and summer months we become so incredibly absorbed in our day-to-day lives that we rarely give ourselves the chance to truly put the brakes on to allow our minds and bodies to stop “doing”.

In this intimate class of only five students, I offer you the chance to set the “doing” mind free and instead move into a “being” state of mind

I offer meditation, hands-on assists, and gentle hot stone “massage”  to help ground your energy so you can discover a beautiful state of rest and digest rather than fight or flight. 

My students would be happy to tell you that it’s better than a massage and how grateful they are for the opportunity to be pampered. 

These classes always sell out so click below to save your spot. 


 Honor the Mother Within

Come together on the eve of Mother’s Day to heal & celebrate
the mother within us all!

Mothers come in all shapes and sizes and can mean so much more than giving birth to a child. 

In light of Mother’s Day, we will discuss and share stories of strength, love, learning, and the triumph of blossoming into ourselves as we weave through all that has been passed along through our own mothers’ lineage. 

Utilizing chapters from Rebecca Cambell’s book Rise Sister Rise for guidance, please bring a story, poetry, art, a song (feel free to include an instrument), or something else you’d like to share to celebrate the mothers we are and those who came before us. 

What to expect: 

  • A sacred sharing sister circle to hold space for all that unfolds during our time together
  • Light movement + grounding practice
  • Guided journaling exercise
  • An altar
  • Please bring a photo or other memento that represents motherhood to you. 
  • Please bring a journal and your favorite pen! 

Saturday evening May 11th, 6-7:30  $35

Don’t Miss Out

Stay up to date with all things Amber & Kleidoscope Yoga by signing up for her bi-monthly newsletter or by following her on social media!  


Why Work With Amber

Your meditation class was so fun.  Brytt and I really enjoyed learning from you. Thank you, Amber”  – Vivial Nield

“Mindfulness Camp was exactly what I needed to start my day in the right frame of mind to be mindful of all that I experienced during the day ahead of me. I will be able to apply this practice every day going forward and can go back to the helpful handouts and the saved videos if I want some gentle reminders. I always learn something new when I sign up for a class with Amber. She teaches with all her heart, and even as students online and not in person, we feel it. 

– Sue G.

Mindfulness Camp was very helpful to me. Amber had good insights and tips for bringing mindfulness into my everyday activities. The time of day and the length of time for the session each day was just right–it helped me get my day started on the right foot. I found myself thinking about aspects of the session every day and the prompt to journal at the end of the day was helpful, too. I liked having 5 sessions in a row because it showed me what an impact mindfulness can have when practiced regularly. Amber is a thoughtful person and her personal conviction of the helpfulness of mindfulness was contagious! The price for the workshop was more than reasonable.” – CS

Amber and Jake’s Embodies Awareness and Mindful Flow class was the perfect way to end the week. I know it was a labor of love to put the evening’s class together, and it was wonderfully thought-provoking and relaxing. The best part is there is a sense of community forming in that wonderful space – it was so good to see so many there! I loved the use of art, photography, music, and the senses as a theme for the evening. It was all so perfect! Thank you for the time and effort and the great delivery.”  

– Deb G.